
This was one of my first book projects at the School of Visual Art’s Master’s program: Illustration as a Visual Essay. I was one of the lucky ones to learn from the likes of Marshal Arisman, David Sandman or Victor Koen. In this particular project we had to come up with a nonsense text in Writing Class and then illustrate it in order to give it sense. For me it was about learning rhythm and composition.

Anton the doorkeeper
Was carrying a Ballon
Tha is Cat Darius popped
Creating an Extremely loud noise
That Frightned
Gabriel the Horse
Ingrid the not so good Jazz player
Who had the Keys
to la Maison Normande
Oliver the Poet
Quail hunting
His friend Ragu
Snake charmer
Tree huggers
Unbelievable experience on mount Vesuvius
A boat named Wendy
A flooded X-ing
Half of the number Zero
The end