
This was my first time collaborating the the out-of-this-world studio This is Pacífica. The project consisted in creating the visual identity of a conference that took place in Porto. The concept was to create portrait of the living characters of the city such as the fish seller, the ardina, the boys jumping the bridge, the chestnut roaster etc. We also prepared some animations for the event. The somnoplasty was a made in collaboration with inimitable Pedro Marques .

Prescador e bronzeada / Fisherman and sun tan.
Velha à janela, velhos dos parques e miúdos a mergulhar no rio / Old woman at the window, old man playing cards and kids diving in the river.
Homem guarda-chuva, skater e condutor / Umbrella man, skater and driver.

Ciclista e surfista / Cyclist and surfer.
Miúdo futebolista, assador de castanhas e estudante das Belas-Artes / Footballer kid, chestnut roaster and Fine Arts student.
Turista, grafiter, gaivota / Tourist, graffiti artist, seagull.
Barbeiro, engraxador e vendedor de velharias da Vandoma / barber, shoe shiner and flea market seller at Vandoma.
Pedinte de acordeão / Beggar with accordion.

Barbeiro / Barber.

Gaivota / Seagull.
Passeio Alegre, tempo, Casas burguesas / Passeio Alegre, weather, Bourgeois houses.

Bolhão, S. Bento, Muralha / Bolhão, S. Bento, Medieval wall.
Ponte de ferro, Fonte dos Leões e Casa da Música / Iron Bridge, Lions fountain and Casa da Música.
Sé e Vinho do Porto / Sé cathedral and Porto wine.

Pá de Claes Oldenburg e Coosje Van Bruggen e barco Rabelo /Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen Shovel and Rabelo boat.