
This is a very special book to me. When I lived in New York, I used to work through some lone spots listening to Luís Correia Carmelo‘s book Contantinas. When Oriana Alves from Boca invited me to make Luis new book it was a tremendous yes. The audiobook that is also a performance is  composed of riddles, tongue twisters, tales and cumulative stories set to music, sometimes sung, sometimes recited, to the sound of the diatonic accordion, percussion and other acoustic instruments. The illustrations of this book were awarded by The Society of Illustrators NY. You can see the book trailer here and  buy the book here.

Pai Sol / Father Sun. (End paper)
Medo de versos / Fear verses.
Lua / Moon.
Baleia / Whale.
Mesa / Table.
Abelhas / Bees.
Carrega do Velho / Old man’s chant.
Carrega da Velha / Old woman’s chant.
Destravalinguas / Tongue twister.
Relógio / Clock.
Sol / Sun.
Flor / Flower.
Festa das contas / Counting party.
Os sete pardais / The seven sparrows.
O macaco do rabo cortado / The monkey with the docked tail.
Macaco gato / Money cat.
Tem dó / Have mercy.
Pai Lua / Father Moon (End paper)