Donzela Feroz / Ferocious Damsel

This is my first full comic, based on a version of Little Red Ridding Hood, by the great Rodolfo Castro, the self titled worst storyteller of all times. For this project I chose to use a two color overlay, blue for the wolf and pink for the girl and you have to rip the top of the pages to be able to read through the story mimicking the interactions the wolf has with the other characters. Please note that this book is not suited for young children. (Photos by Sílvio Teixeira)

Capa _Cover
Topo serrado / Serrated edge

Houve um tempo em que o mundo era esquecido todos os dias. / There was a time when the world was forgotten every day.

Um caçador que esfolava as suas presas no bosque notou a presença de uma jovem no caminho. / A hunter who was skinning his prey in the woods noticed the presence of a young woman on the path.

A jovem correu até se sentir a salvo. / The young woman ran until she felt safe.

Andou durante mais de uma hora pelo terreno irregular. Várias vezes morreu e tornou a morrer e morreu outra vez com o estalido de um ramo, com o movimento de uma sombra, com a forma de uma raiz. / She walked for over an hour across the uneven terrain. Several times it died and died again and died again with the snap of a branch, with the movement of a shadow, with the shape of a root.

Nessa tarde tinha-a esperado à porta até a névoa já não lhe permitir ver o caminho. Ia meter-se em casa quando uma intuição a assaltou e compreendeu o que a névoa lhe traria nessa tarde. / That afternoon he had waited for her at the door until the fog no longer allowed him to see the path. She was about to go home when an intuition struck her and she understood what the fog would bring her that afternoon. It was what she had been waiting for all these years.
De repente a floresta transformou- se em silêncio, as árvores fecharam os olhos, os pássaros fingiram dormir e a névoa deslocou- se para as suas costas deixando à vista a casa da avó. / Suddenly the forest became silent, the trees closed their eyes, the birds pretended to sleep and the fog moved to their backs, leaving grandmother’s house in sight.
Foi então que o viu chegar por entre o nevoeiro. Ela pôs-se de pé para o receber, ele lançou-se sobre ela e em poucos segundos despedaçou-a. / It was then that he saw him arrive through the fog. She stood up to welcome him, he threw himself at her and in a few seconds tore her apart.
Já saciada, caminhou na penumbra da sala até ao quarto da avó. / Already sated, she walked in the dim light of the living room to her grandmother’s room.
Tentou gritar, mas um horrendo sorriso de dentes de madeira paralisou-a de terror.

No dia seguinte as pessoas da aldeia viram chegar da floresta um caçador que transportava uma pele de lobo. / The next day the people of the village saw a hunter carrying a wolf skin arrive from the forest.

Parecia que a ogre mais nova acabara por despedaçar a mais velha. / It looked like the younger ogre had ended up tearing the older one apart.
Homens, mulheres e crianças, armados de paus, pedras e ferramentas puseram- se então a caminho da casa da mulher para acabar de vez com a última ogre. / People immediately believed that story. Men, women and children, armed with sticks, stones and tools, then set out on their way to the woman’s house to finish off the last ogre once and for all.
Escarranchado sobre o tronco caído, começou a trautear uma canção arcaica que tinha aprendido com a sua avó. / Straddling the fallen log, he began humming an archaic song he had learned from his grandmother.


Guardas/ End papers.