Roturas e Ligamentos

Roturas e Ligamentos (Ruptures and Ligaments) is a poetry book by Rita Taborda Duarte published by Abysmo. In this particular book I wanted to push the boundaries of reader interaction and devised a book that is in reality two book attached by their back covers highlighting the title of the book. This idea came up as a response to illustrate poetry and closing the meaning of it when you tie it to an image. This way, the book on the right has all the poems and the book on the left has all the illustrations. This way the reader can pair a poem with an illustration, or several, that he sees more fit once augmenting the experience of reading the book. The illustrations sip from words of multiple poems, their cadence, repetitiveness and fluidity, representing the general feeling of the book but still working as stand alone pieces of poetry themselves. The spine is bear and you can see the stitches of the book binding, its borders are painted with a frail pink and the cover is the same material as the interior all working together to make the reader feel the frail atmosphere of the book just by picking it up. You can buy the book here. (Photos by Sílvio Teixeira)