Books | Children's Books

Contos Cantados

O trovador.
Ana Sofia Paiva
Era não era.
Tranglomanglo dos filhos com fome.
Desses nove que ficaram, sonhavam comer biscoitos, deu-lhes um tranglotrico tranglomanglo neles, não ficaram senão oito.
Desses oito que ficaram, sonhavam comer esparguete, deu-lhes um tranglotrico tranglomanglo neles, não ficaram senão sete.
Desses três que ficaram, sonhavam comer os bois… ou rissóis ou caracóis? Deu-lhes um tranglotrico tranglomanglo neles, não ficaram senão dois.
E esse filho que ficou, tinha uma fome de leão, por não ter comido nada, olhem, Acabou-se a geração por não ter comido um pão.
O velho, o rapaz e o burro.
– Olha, aquele, que tolo é! Montado o rapaz, que é forte, e o velho, trôpego, a pé!
— Que patetice tã rata! O tamanhão no burrinho e o pobre pequenito à pata!
— Toleirões, calcando lama! Então, de que lhes serve o burrinho? Não me digam que dormem com ele na cama?!
— Apeiem-se, almas de breu! Coitadinho, querem matar o burrinho? Aposto que não é seu.
— Olha, olha! Dois loucos varridos – ouvem com grandes sussurros – fazendo o mundo às avessas, tornados burros do burro! Hi ho!
— Mais tolo é quem dá ao mundo satisfações.
A velha a fiar
A velha e a cabaça
Ai, velha, velhinha, velhão, como-te inteira com cesta e bordão.
E para o fim comeu uma bela duma açorda furunfuforda, triunfunforda, misericuntorda. E o raio da velha ficou mesmo gorda!!
E quando estava na hora de se ir embora foi ao quintal, etc e tal… Escolheu uma cabaça furunfufaça, triunfunfaça, misericuntaça.
E o lobo comeu a velha desde a pontinha dos dedos dos pés, ali onde está o chulé, até à pontinha dos cabelos brancos da velha. E adorou…
Estava o velho mouco na cama deitado a queixar-se da sua solidão: Estou só, estou só, estou só numa cama só.
Ái, Zé, ái, Zé, cheiras mesmo a chulé. Ái, Zé, ái, vai mas é lavar o pés. Ái, Zé, ái, Zé, gosto de ti como és.
Os velhos e a morte.
Truz! Truz! Truz! Truz!
Vai lá tu!
À morte ninguém escapa, nem o rei nem o papa.
Cantasíssimo, Carlos Marques.
Ilustríssimo, André da Loba.


In this tab there a selection of editorial pieces for several media that I've been doing over the years.

To make better decisions consider more options. (Psychology Today)
To boost creativity think of opposites. (Psychology Today)
To manage overwhelm think more flexibly.
(Psychology Today)
For better plans think backwards. (Psychology Today)
Etat d’esprit. (Sens & Santé)
Digital Upskilling (Strategy and Business Magazine)
Consent (Minnesota Magazine)
Are we all robots (NUVO Magazine)
Roomates (Chicago Booth Magazine)
Summer Readings (New York Times Sunday Magazine)
Clean power (The New York Times)
The White House on race issues. (The New York Times)
Pre-K fundings. (The New York Times)
Saudi Arabia 9/11 lawsuits. (The New York Times)
Don’t buy the hype (JHCB Magazine)
Nastaliq (Time Magazine)
Latino Vote (New York Time Sunday Magazine)
First love. (Courrier International)
Third Party Candidates (The New York Times)
Calm in the city (Le Monde)
A force to recon with (JHCB Magazine)
Stock fallouts (HBR Magazine)
Postmodern Trump. (Washington Post)
The Dome (Dome Magazine)
Powers of mead. (NUVO Magazine)
Small Tasks. (Opto Design)
Concurrent Surgeries (New your Times Sunday Magazine)
Brain mapping (NYU SOMA Magazine)
Talk through your fears. (Opto Design)
Looking at real Real estate (CRE Magazine)
Obama care still open. (New York Time Sunday Magazine)
SickleCells (JHU Magazine)
Inconspicuos consumption. (NUVO Magazine)
Reconstructions (NYU SOMA Magazine))
Keeping up (Opto Design)
Different fights. (Newsweek)
Find Starting Point. (Opto Design)
Non-compete agreements (Chicago Magazine)
Think out of your comfort zone(Opto Design)
Mapping the brain. (The New Scientist Magazine)
Private Equity (The Deal)
Saint Bernardino slaves (Los Angeles Times)

Resident training. (Insight Magazine)
Database brain. (Insight Magazine)
Stock fight (Barron Magazine)
In tune. (T Magazine)
Different Views. (TT Magazine)
Building a team (Lexpert Magazine)
Youth protest (Youth Forum)
Community. (Pittsburg Med Magazine)
Biomedical. (Pittsburg Med Magazine)
Sister’s shoes. (Washington Post)
Broaden horizons (Opto Design)
Micromanage. (Opto Design)
Woman in war. (The National)

Hospitality. (Chicago Booth Magazine)
Health made easy. (Hopkins Medicine Magazine)
Income inequality (M&C Magazine)
Set out your goals. (Opto Design)
Books | Children's Books


Pai Sol / Father Sun. (End paper)
Medo de versos / Fear verses.
Lua / Moon.
Baleia / Whale.
Mesa / Table.
Abelhas / Bees.
Carrega do Velho / Old man’s chant.
Carrega da Velha / Old woman’s chant.
Destravalinguas / Tongue twister.
Relógio / Clock.
Sol / Sun.
Flor / Flower.
Festa das contas / Counting party.
Os sete pardais / The seven sparrows.
O macaco do rabo cortado / The monkey with the docked tail.
Macaco gato / Money cat.
Tem dó / Have mercy.
Pai Lua / Father Moon (End paper)


Prescador e bronzeada / Fisherman and sun tan.
Velha à janela, velhos dos parques e miúdos a mergulhar no rio / Old woman at the window, old man playing cards and kids diving in the river.
Homem guarda-chuva, skater e condutor / Umbrella man, skater and driver.

Ciclista e surfista / Cyclist and surfer.
Miúdo futebolista, assador de castanhas e estudante das Belas-Artes / Footballer kid, chestnut roaster and Fine Arts student.
Turista, grafiter, gaivota / Tourist, graffiti artist, seagull.
Barbeiro, engraxador e vendedor de velharias da Vandoma / barber, shoe shiner and flea market seller at Vandoma.
Pedinte de acordeão / Beggar with accordion.

Barbeiro / Barber.

Gaivota / Seagull.
Passeio Alegre, tempo, Casas burguesas / Passeio Alegre, weather, Bourgeois houses.

Bolhão, S. Bento, Muralha / Bolhão, S. Bento, Medieval wall.
Ponte de ferro, Fonte dos Leões e Casa da Música / Iron Bridge, Lions fountain and Casa da Música.
Sé e Vinho do Porto / Sé cathedral and Porto wine.

Pá de Claes Oldenburg e Coosje Van Bruggen e barco Rabelo /Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen Shovel and Rabelo boat.

Cegonhas Pretas / Black Storks (Crias)

This animation is part of a series of short animal stories aired in public television chanels in Portugal and France. The idea is to work as a cue in the bedtime routine for children. Each animator chose an animal and had to tell a story of its bedtime. Mine was the black stork, and as it is a bird and lives near water I wanted to represent that visually. The art is created digitally with a watercolour brush for the animals and a chalk brush for the clouds and environment. This was a joint venture of Videolotio, Praça Filmes, JPL Filmes, FTR and RTP.


Programa Descobrir FCG

These illustrations were developed to illustrate the communication material for the educational Descobrir at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Spawning from other projects I had, these are animals and objects working together to create poetry.

Children's Books


Bocage was a Portuguese Neoclassic poet that lived in the 19th century. He is one of the greatest Portuguese poets and I had the honor to embark on this project with Kalandraka. The book contains a selection of poems that encompass most of his life, touching themes like love, to war, addiction, religion, exile, politics and death. His unique style and subversiveness were a great inspiration for the illustrations I created for the book.

Travelling home
Writers pain
Lovers Chest
Two faced lover
Night dreams
Self-portrait II
Rider of the Apocalypse
Death calling
King Sun
Heaven and Death
Children's Books | Motion

On Thoughts / Pensamientras

When I designed this book it was supposed to be wordless. It was my go at the concept of providing the reader with just enough cues and total freedom to create a story, thus participating in the creation with me. Nonetheless when I read the words the talented Eugénio Roda wrote for the pictures I decided that the book was more complete with that. It was published by Edições Eterogémeas and edited by the grand Luís Mendonça. Later I added motion to the prints and the voice over of Mac Premo and for that it was awarded a Gold Medal by The Society of Illustrators of New York.

When my thoughs found themselves stuck inside my head, they fled.
I woke up, without being able to grasp any of my thoughts… not knowing anything how to.
And, without thoughts, my legs wouldn’t walk, my arms wouldn’t move.
Whitout thinking, my eyes couldn’t see, my ears couldn’t hear.
Without Thinking, I couldn’t Be.
They sent for someone to give me ideas, as I didn’t have any of my own.
But why would I want anybody else’s other ideas if I didn’t know what to do with them?
The thoughts charmer, apporached me.
With a bag full of special tricks, potions and lucky charms.
But, as soon as he saw me, hollow head, said I was a lost cause.
He couldn’t do anything to help me, and left.
We can think for you…! The others insisted, to cheer me up.
… It was the only way, for someone who can’t think, to think…
They wanted to put things in my head!
Strong ideas, the kind that don’t run away!
I decided to leave, without knowing when, how or where to…
Took my body, and went:
Walked, climbed, fell, down, up, dived, ran, stoped, followed…
Readjusted my senses to something I did not know yet:
Saw, listened, tasted, felt, touched, smelled…
Got everything I could inside my head:
Scents, sounds, shapes, texures, colors, flavours…
Got back with my head full of memories.
Tried to organize them in alphabetical order, numerical, by lasts and firsts…
I put, disposed, replaced… my thoughts were back! As if they had never left!
Between discussions, tears, hugs, we exchanged ideas…
In the end, they can’t exist without me, and I can’t move forward without them.
They introduce me to new images, and I use them, whenever I need…
They help me organize words, and I help them desire with them…
Now, I take them everywhere, show them new places, new things and gestures…
They take me everywhere they want, and tell me stories before I fall assplep…
We dream, together, as it is the best way to think!

Véspera – Clã

My generation has a lot of good memories attached to the songs of the Clã. Clã is a Portuguese pop rock band and since the mid 90's has been filling our lives of good music. For me it was an honour to collaborate with them in their album Véspera. I created art for the CD, vinil, and social media. All the videos were done with the help of the brilliant Joana X.

Véspera Cover. (Booklet)
Sinais / Signs. (Booklet)
Tempo-espaço / Time-space. (Booklet)
Oh não! Outra vez! (Booklet)
Armário / Closet. (Booklet)
Pensamentos mágicos / Magical thoughts. (Booklet)
A arte de faltar à escola / The art of skipping school.(Booklet)
Dá o que tem / Give what you have. (Booklet)
Jogos Florais / Floral arrangements. (Booklet)
Tudo no amor / All in love. (Booklet)
Na sombra / In the shadow. (Booklet)