Category: Books
Lux Frágil
This was one of my favourite projects. Lux Frágil is a special nigh club by the Tagus river in Lisbon. Every year, after closing for balance, they do a big reentre and for that they make special invitations. In 2019 they decided that they would send an undisclosed number of books to the personal addresses of selected group of VIP guests inviting them to the full experience of the first night of the new season. To add to that the original owner and mentor of the place had passed away recently and this would also work as a homage to his life and vision. After a couple tries a monkey with a beret started creeping through the illustration gaining predominance and becoming the main character of the whole thing. The text that accompanies the illustrations was written by João Paulo Cotrim, a friend of the house and of us all.
Paralelo is Teatro Municipal do Porto's illustrated cultural agenda for kids. In 2019 it was illustrated by me and designed in collaboration with Studio Eduardo Aires. It is printed has a small book with free distribution through the city. I Portuguese the word paralelo translates to parallel as these are special activities for schools and families curated off the performances lineup, but in porto it also means a granite brick used to make street pavement. I thought that this double meaning was interesting as a metaphor: the main character is initially a brick, tight and square, he goes through some improvements and he becomes a cloud at the end as a result of going through the cultural system. As if culture makes us lighter and enables us to see the world from an above and more interesting perspective.
Obscénica was commissioned by Orfeu Negro. The publisher Carla Oliveira took the plunge into publishing this book after seeing some images I made for a friends poetry website. Hilda Hills is a big writer in Brazil with almost no expression in Portugal, so the risk of publishing a book with soft-porn content of an outlier was great! Fortunatelly Hilda's crude yet fluid and emotional writing carries all the weight of the book. Surprisingly it was well received by the general public and got me a lot of visibility. A big shout out to Patrícia Nunes o co-edited the content of the book and was always a positive voice throughout the project. the illustratios were awarded by the society of Illustrators of New York.
Donzela Feroz / Ferocious Damsel
Fora de Série
This illustrations are part of an agenda that promotes the shows and concerts for children at Casa da Música in Porto. My approach was to make the characters that illustrate each section, colourful and engaging.
Salão dos rejeitados
Salão dos Rejeitados (The rejects) is a self published zine with the illustrations that didn't make into the book Roturas e Ligamentos.
Roturas e Ligamentos
Roturas e Ligamentos (Ruptures and Ligaments) is a poetry book by Rita Taborda Duarte published by Abysmo. In this particular book I wanted to push the boundaries of reader interaction and devised a book that is in reality two book attached by their back covers highlighting the title of the book. This idea came up as a response to illustrate poetry and closing the meaning of it when you tie it to an image. This way, the book on the right has all the poems and the book on the left has all the illustrations. This way the reader can pair a poem with an illustration, or several, that he sees more fit once augmenting the experience of reading the book. The illustrations sip from words of multiple poems, their cadence, repetitiveness and fluidity, representing the general feeling of the book but still working as stand alone pieces of poetry themselves. The spine is bear and you can see the stitches of the book binding, its borders are painted with a frail pink and the cover is the same material as the interior all working together to make the reader feel the frail atmosphere of the book just by picking it up. (Photos by Sílvio Teixeira)