

In this tab there a selection of editorial pieces for several media that I've been doing over the years.

To make better decisions consider more options. (Psychology Today)
To boost creativity think of opposites. (Psychology Today)
To manage overwhelm think more flexibly.
(Psychology Today)
For better plans think backwards. (Psychology Today)
Etat d’esprit. (Sens & Santé)
Digital Upskilling (Strategy and Business Magazine)
Consent (Minnesota Magazine)
Are we all robots (NUVO Magazine)
Roomates (Chicago Booth Magazine)
Summer Readings (New York Times Sunday Magazine)
Clean power (The New York Times)
The White House on race issues. (The New York Times)
Pre-K fundings. (The New York Times)
Saudi Arabia 9/11 lawsuits. (The New York Times)
Don’t buy the hype (JHCB Magazine)
Nastaliq (Time Magazine)
Latino Vote (New York Time Sunday Magazine)
First love. (Courrier International)
Third Party Candidates (The New York Times)
Calm in the city (Le Monde)
A force to recon with (JHCB Magazine)
Stock fallouts (HBR Magazine)
Postmodern Trump. (Washington Post)
The Dome (Dome Magazine)
Powers of mead. (NUVO Magazine)
Small Tasks. (Opto Design)
Concurrent Surgeries (New your Times Sunday Magazine)
Brain mapping (NYU SOMA Magazine)
Talk through your fears. (Opto Design)
Looking at real Real estate (CRE Magazine)
Obama care still open. (New York Time Sunday Magazine)
SickleCells (JHU Magazine)
Inconspicuos consumption. (NUVO Magazine)
Reconstructions (NYU SOMA Magazine))
Keeping up (Opto Design)
Different fights. (Newsweek)
Find Starting Point. (Opto Design)
Non-compete agreements (Chicago Magazine)
Think out of your comfort zone(Opto Design)
Mapping the brain. (The New Scientist Magazine)
Private Equity (The Deal)
Saint Bernardino slaves (Los Angeles Times)

Resident training. (Insight Magazine)
Database brain. (Insight Magazine)
Stock fight (Barron Magazine)
In tune. (T Magazine)
Different Views. (TT Magazine)
Building a team (Lexpert Magazine)
Youth protest (Youth Forum)
Community. (Pittsburg Med Magazine)
Biomedical. (Pittsburg Med Magazine)
Sister’s shoes. (Washington Post)
Broaden horizons (Opto Design)
Micromanage. (Opto Design)
Woman in war. (The National)

Hospitality. (Chicago Booth Magazine)
Health made easy. (Hopkins Medicine Magazine)
Income inequality (M&C Magazine)
Set out your goals. (Opto Design)

Room for Debate – The New York Times

Selection of illustrations for the New York Time's section "Room for Debate". The fun part of this project was the extremely short timeframe has the illustration were created while the text was still being written. I often had to come up with sketches on very few words. thankfully Matt Dorfman was great at pointing directions and keeping me on track. The illustrations should be concise, portrait the theme on discussion without casting any judgement.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Alone.
Are People Getting Dumber?
Beyond Race in Affirmative Action
Who Are Corporate Directors Working For, Anyway?
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
Why Do Americans Balk at Euthanasia Laws?
When Parents Hover and Kids Don’t Grow Up.
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
Motherhood vs. Feminism
Is Digital Connectedness Good or Bad for People?
Amend the Constitution to Limit Political Spending?
How Will AIDS Be Eradicated?
Are Charities More Effective Than Government?
Are Government Layoffs the Problem?
At What Age Should Sex Education Begin?
How Will AIDS Be Eradicated?
Should Social Security Cuts Be Considered?
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Shrink Inequality to Grow the Economy?
When Do Doctors Have the Right to Speak?
Mergers Are Back- Something to Cheer, or Fear?
Privacy and the Internet of Things
What Next for the Republican Party?
Where do the Humanities Go?
Do Filibusters Stall the Senate or Give It Purpose?
Where Do Borders Need to Be Redrawn?
When Divorce Is a Family Affair.
You, the Jury; Televising Trials.
What Should Tax Reform in the United States Do?
Taking the Lead on Child Rearing.
What Wedding Traditions Should Be Tossed?
How Will AIDS Be Eradicated?
Are Charities More Effective Than Government?
Are Robots Taking over?
The Bystanders Who Could Be Heroes.
What to Do When a Friend Is in a Bad Relationship?
Daylight Saving Time, at What Cost?
Debates That Got Your Attention
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
What’s the Best Way to Teach Sex Ed Today?
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
Etsy’s I.P.O. and Public Corporations’ Obligations to Shareholders
How to Improve the College Admissions Process
Should You Send Your Children to Summer Camp?
How Will AIDS Be Eradicated?
Is Checking the ‘Sex’ Box Necessary?
Is It Smart to Delay Adulthood?
Is Silicon Valley Saving the World or Just Making Money?
Life in a Mobile Nation.
Mayoral Series: How the Next Mayor Should Deal With Crime in New York
Mayoral Series: New York City’s Public Education Challenges
Mayoral Series: New York City’s Transportation Challenges
Mayoral Series: The Next New York City Mayor’s Economic Challenges?
Mayoral Series: The Next New York City Mayor’s Economic Challenges?
Motherhood vs. Feminism
Motherhood vs. Feminism
Privacy and the Internet of Things
Privacy and the Internet of Things
Privacy and the Internet of Things
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
Can ‘Voluntourism’ Make a Difference?
Shery Sandberg Says, ‘Lean In,’ But Is That Really the Way to Lead?
Should Atheists Pray?
Should Cities Specialize?
Should Cities Specialize?
Collecting Child Support Without Making Matters Worse
The Pulpit and the Ballot Box.
The Worst Tax Breaks.
Should Kids Pick Their Own Punishments?
Should Prostitution Be a Crime?
Is Digital Connectedness Good or Bad for People?
Should You Bribe Your Kids?
Is the A.D.H.D. Diagnosis Helping or Hurting Kids?
We Need a Simpler and Fairer Tax System.
The Ethics of Doing Business With Hate Groups.
What Is the Appeal of Astrology?
The Power of New Year’s Resolutions.
Do Prosecutors Have Too Much Power?
The Relentless Pursuit of Happiness.
The War Against Online Trolls.
Should Couples Get Prenups for Their Ideas?
Screens and Solitude.
What College Students Care About in This Presidential Election.
The Most Talked-About Debates.

Poesia FM

A poesia está na rádio / Poetry is on the radio.
Bobine do mês / Reel of the month.
Beduíno dealbar da fala / Bedouin’s dawn of speech.
Revolução e mulheres / Revolution and women.
Na boa onda da aceitação / In the flow of acceptance
Uma palavra / One word.
Primeiro poema / First poem.
Rumo à Liberdade / Towards Freedom.
Poesia / Poetry.
Poesia / Poetry
Poesis arrangement.
Ouvinte alto / Loud listener.
Ouvinte lento / Slow listener.
Ouvintes / Listeners.
Ouvintes / Listeners.
No Ar / On Air
No Ar / On Air.
No Ar / On Air.
No Ar / On Air.
Poesia Africana / African Poetry.
Uma espécie de marinheiro / A kind of sailor
Há postos na Poesia / There are posts in Poetry.
Testamento e melodia / Testament and melody.
Os corpos escravizados continuam escravizados / Enslaved bodies remain enslaved.
A poesia faz frente ao dia / Poetry faces the day.
Mulher, Vida, Liberdade / Woman, Life, Freedom.
Plantas vs Zombies / Plants vs Zombies.
Trovadoras itinerantes / Itinerant troubadours
Perder a vergonha / Loosing the shame.
Saída da escola / Leaving school.
Rap animal / Animal rap.
Deixa contar / Let me tell it.
O teu tempo já passou / Your Time has passed.
O show de Góis / Góis show.
Navio Pirata / Pirate Ship.
Poeta safado / Naughty poet
Meninas encantadas / Enchanted girls.
Game Over
Desportos SA / Sports SA
Enfeitar coração e ficar / Embellish heart and stay.
Bom dia Vento / Good morning wind.
As tardes da Carolina e da Sara / Carolina and Sara’s afternoons.
A entrevista / the interview.
Um primeiro um após / A first one after
Sol / Sun.
E agora, José? / And now, José?
Ama-dores / Ama-teurs.
Tríptico a três vozes e beatbox / Three voice triptych and beatbox
Massa / Mass.
A caixa / The box.
O mais importante na vida / The most important thing in life.
O Portugal futuro / Future Portugal.
Até sempre / Farewell.
Caixinha de música / Little music box.
Nas salas da embaixada / At the embassy’s rooms.
Os paraísos artificiais / The artificial paradises.
Palavras de um roussinol / Words of a Roussinol.
Rifão quotidiano / Daily riff.
Os meus poemas / My poems.
Boas noites / Good night.
Levava eu um jarrinho / I carried a little jar.
Ritual da chuva / Rain ritual.
Eu tenho um cão / I have a dog.
Balada do sino / Bell’s ballad.
Poema pial / Pial poem.
Pia, pia, pia / Chirp, chirp, chirp.
A morte do rato / Rat’s death.
Poema desentranhado de um poema de Manuel Bandeira / Poem extracted from a poem by Manuel Bandeira
Verão / Summer.
Descoberta / Discovery.
Canção de Leonoreta / Leonoreta’s song.
Epigrama / Epigram.
O sapo e o papo / The frog and its pouch.
Os anos felizes / The happy years.
A pele de Nádia Duvall / The skin of Nádia Duvall
Actuação escrita / Written performance.
Periclitam os grilos / The crickets crick.
Brinquedo / Toy.
Agora aconteceu / Naw it has happened.
De tarde / In the afternoon.
Frutos / Fruits.
Bússola / Compass.
A canção da Ribeirinha / Ribeirinhas’s song.
Sentindo Eunice / Feeling Eunice.
Pasolini: a vida tão ferozmente / Pasolini: life so fiercely.
As férias de Verão em Aveiro / Summer vacation in Aveiro.
XFM: A certeza da música / XFM: music’s certainty.
Homo Sapiens.
Vénus II
No Café Portugal / At Café Portugal.
E a imaginação? / What about imagination?
Pequenina / Little one.
Farsa de Inês Pereira / Inês Pereira’s farce.
Aquela nuvem / The cloud.
Isto do Entrudo é um tempo vário / The Shrove is a different time.
A mão / the hand.
A voz sensível de Villaret / Villaret’s sensible voice.
A casa e o mundo / The house and the world.
Madalena e Francisco, ora Bolas! / Madalena and Francisco, oh well!
Abril ao Sul / April in the south.
Vanessa, pintora de azulejos de papel / Vanessa, paper tile painter.
Zé Mendonça, congregador de poetas / Zé Mendonça, assembler of poets.
Não me obriguem a vir para a rua gritar / Don’t make me come out to the street and scream.
Margarida, uma voz onde cabem muitas vozes / Margarida, a voice where many voices fit.
Ilha dos Poetas Vivos / The island of living poets.
O que está por cumprir / What remains to be done.
A Trovoada / The thunderstorm.
Angola é das zungueiras / Angola belongs to the zungueiras.
Faz de conta / Make believe.
Cantiga de embalar / Lullaby.
Quem bate a uma porta de folhas na noite / Who knocks on a leafy door in the night.
Canção final / Final song
Chove / It rains.
O pastor / The Shepard.
Andanças do poeta / Poet’s wanderings

Parenting (The New York Times International)

These illustrations were made for the initial set for a new column around the theme of parenting at The New York Times International. As the project were starting we were exploring conceptual ways to approach different aspects of parenting.

So you want to start exercising again after baby a guide.
How to stop breastfeeding: a guide to weaning.

How to avoid burnout.
A parent’s guide to dairy (and non-dairy) milk for 1-year-olds and beyond.
So you want to murder your spouse here’s how to reorient your relationship after parenthood.
How to decide if and when to return to work after you have a baby.
Living in your weird postpartum body.
How to integrate your baby into family mealtimes.
How to keep breastfeeding when you go back to work.
The encroaching village setting reasonable limits for overstepping grandparents.
How to talk to your employer about going back to work after parental leave.
How to introduce solid foods to your baby.
Mornings are hard here’s how to make them a little bit less hard.
What to do if you may have a low breast milk supply, according to lactation experts
Picking up parents at the park how to find new friends with kids.
Two jobs two new parents. How to negotiate your new reality
Sleep-trained baby stops sleeping guide.
How to feed a combination of breastmilk and formula.

Opto Design – Boosting good work experience

These illustrations were created for a presentation designed by Opto Design about how to help improve your work environment to boos good work experience.

Keep employees enthusiastically engaged
People everywhere are thinking differently about their jobs, what they do and the value of that work.
Careers today are marathons, not sprints.
How business leaders can positively influence the experience at work, unleash productivity and innovation,  and make everyone happier.
Build social resilience.
Encourage agility.
Companies should empower people to select what they want to learn, and when and where they want to learn it.
Support “intrapreneurship.”
Provide autonomy.
Start empowering teams to self-organize and reward leaders who make this happen.
Focus on ways to improve employees’ experience in their organization.

Vanity Fair

I made one illustration a week for Vanity Fair. It was challenging to come up with fresh concepts every week, and the theme of the column, ranging from matters of the heart and relationships did not make the task easier. As I look to the aggregate I'm grateful to have had the chance to dive into this project.

Longing for my mother.

WE can’t talk, we just fight.
Unhappy and alone.

Caring for someone else’s child.
Just want to scream.
Why settling down is so hard?
I have nosocomephobia.
Tales of miscarriage.
Midlife crisis mess.
I still hear my mother screams.
Will we be meeting again?
I will never fix my broken heart again.
Love at sixties.
He is never there.
Should I leave or not.
Jail mothers.
Immigrant children.
Fear of love.
Hold on to your children.
Facebook rejections.
Driving afair.

I will always bake you a cake.
Broke heart weighting me down.
Broken mothers.
Missing parents, missing heart.
Books for teens.
All alone.

At the edge.
It is ok to cry for love.
How am I going to bring him into this world.
Love correspondency.
Liar, liar.
Play it forward, play it back.
I’m not over him yet.
Unachievable love.
Missing part.
Love letters.
Following mother steps.
As sadness go by.
Home bound.
Looking for a friend at work.
Estranging parents
Menopause love.
Fear of freedom.
The gift.
Breaking up.
Post partum depression.
I love a younger man.
Psychotherapy and love.
The choice.
The cat is taking my place.
Love x-ray.
A father’s task.
It’s complicated.
Unhappy at work.
Time to say goodbye.
Not easy to put it in words.
How to avoid predators.
Matchmaker’s right.
Intertwined messes.
Will you marry me?
I miss you father.
Roulette of love.
It is you, not me.
Yes I can!
Long distance affair.
Drawn to toxic love.
I know the way.
Breaking up is hard.
Looking for prospects, trying to not fall in love.
Hard to let go.
Travelling lifestyle.
I can’t choose between to loves.
We can nurture this together.
Let the games begin.
Waiting and longing.
Shopping for love.
Yes, say Yes!
A life of love.
The courage to leave.
Disability is not imparity.
Should, or shouldn’t I.
We have different interests.
From grief to life.
Learning of families love past.
She prefers the cat.
Childhood ghosts.

Locking it safe.
Pull the plug.
Father’s permission.
My love will take care of you.
Fatherly love.
Struggling to conceive.
He can’t harm us no more.
Left out.
It stings at it withers.
Don’t know who the father is.
Leaving home for good.
I decide to be happy.
To love or not to love.
Fortifying myself.
On reason and love. Or the reason for love.
Was he ever there?
Mending it takes craft.
Three too many.
Controlling whispers.

I love them both.
Divorce child.
The wedding ceremony.
Sharp and on edges.

New love on the cards.
Teens out of time.
Fighting old demons out.
Still tied up on my past.
Made of the same cloth.
Will you marry me?
Social media mess.
Childcare rights and duties.
Unresolved past relationships.
Breaking up at our seventies.
Forever mom.
Sorrow baby.
Dancing partners.
Father’s role in divorce.
I’m broken but not done.
Seesaw teen love.
Together apart.

Cyber love.
The end.
Missing husband.
Miss Baltus.
Love, care and death.
Done waiting.
I want it like on the television.
Revisiting death.


A Felicidade é passear o gato/ Happiness is walking the cat.
A Felicidade é ser voluntário por um dia / Happiness is to be a volunteer for a day.
A Felicidade é um avião de papel / Happiness is paper airplane.
A Felicidade é andar de calções / Happiness wearing shorts.
A Felicidade é uma viagem de autocaravana / Happiness is a trip on auto caravan.
A Felicidade é uma cautela de natal/ Happiness is the Christmas lottery .
A Felicidade é um churrasco / Happiness is a barbecue.
A Felicidade é um mergulho à noite / Happiness is a swim at night.
A Felicidade é fazer parte da claque/ Happiness is being a cheerleader.
A Felicidade é comer um gelado / Happiness is eating an ice cream.
A Felicidade é a consoada de Natal/ Happiness is the Christmas dinner.
A Felicidade é desenhar à vista / Happiness is life drawing.
A Felicidade é jogar ao homem estátua / Happiness is to play statues.
A Felicidade é devorar um livro num dia / Happiness is to devour a book in a day.
A Felicidade é receber uma encomenda / Happiness is to receive a package.
A Felicidade é falar com um estranho / Happiness is talking to a stranger.
A Felicidade é o cheiro de café acabadiço de fazer / Happiness is the smell of freshly made coffee.
A Felicidade é um solos e guitarra / Happiness isa guitar solo.
A Felicidade é um jantar à luz de velas / Happiness is a dinner by candle light.
A Felicidade é andar de óculos de sol/ Happiness is wear sunglasses.
A Felicidade é uma imperial ao fim da tarde / Happiness is a beer at the end of the afternoon.
A Felicidade é um passeio de mota / Happiness is a motorcycle ride.
A Felicidade é fazer um mergulho / Happiness is to go for a swim.
A Felicidade é um pastel de nata / Happiness is a cream custard.
A Felicidade é visitar umas ruínas / Happiness is visit some ruins.
A Felicidade é uma sardinha no pão / Happiness is a sardine on a slice of bread.
A Felicidade é ser turista na própria cidade / Happiness is to be a tourist in your own city.
A Felicidade é uma botija de água quente/ Happiness is a hot water bottle.
A Felicidade é fazer tudo de novo / Happiness is to do everything anew.

Leer para Lara.

Over a pleasant Italian dinner after a very tiring day at the Bologna Children's Book Fair, we decided to do something to promote healthy reading habits and Lara from El Bosque de la Maga Colibrí proposed we created a series of workshop and talks. To accompany the texts and the promotions I created this series of illustrations. These illustrations were awarded by the Society of Illustrators of New York.

Just read.
Read in the rain.
Read for kids.
Read over tea.
Read adventures.
Read imaginariums.
Read as a couple.
Read wave.
Read as you walk.
Read twice.
Read twins.
Read for babies.
Write like a savage.
Write like a magician.
Write like a master.

Hopkins Medical Magazine

These illustrations made for Hopkins Medical Magazine, had an interesting twist to it as I, not being particularly interested in medical information, had the chance to dive into it and give it a fresh look departing from the usual infographic narrative style one normally sees in this kind of publication.

Honouring women in medicine

Is there merit in merit aid?
The beaten path.
Winter Silos.
Biomedical training.
Horse Pox.
The storyteller.
Finance literacy.
A sit at the table.
Where tradition meets innovation.